Our Top Recommended Lead Sources
1. One of our most successful lead sources is: Home Business Advertiser
Bob Schwartz & Company
15 Village Square
Marietta, PA 17547
Phone: 717-426-2438
Fax: 717-313-5892
Very Reasonable. You can also do a search to find their Website. (Minimum Order 250)
250 Leads for $35, 500 Leads for $55, 1000 Leads for $95
Here is a link to the HBA website: http://www.homebusinessadvertiser.com/mail-list.pdf
This is a very good list however they do not have a nixie policy. If you follow QC instructions, we re-mail all nixies…this list included.
2. These leads have proven to be consistent.
NorthCo List Company
P.O. Box 133
Osseo, MN 55369
Phone: 763-424-4390 email: north.co@hotmail.com
Nixie Policy: They will replace nixies with 10 new names plus postage!
If you need more information, visit their website: http://northcolists.blogspot.com/
3. Here is another excellent mailing list!
Jim Nelson/Grand Publishing – 3333 Slate Court – Milford, MI 48380 Phone: 248-684-7827
120 Leads for $13, 240 Leads for $24, 500 Leads for $40, 1000 Leads for $74
Guarantee for Nixies 50 cents each…