The Fortune Fifty Club

Notice: Invitations for The Fortune Fifty Club have been mailed. If you do not want to wait, you can download an Invitation HERE…
Once we process your payment, we will issue you an ID Number.

Note: If you are using the Chrome browser, your download may not download. Chrome thinks they are protecting you. You may need to “right click” and copy the link and paste it in your browser. Easier yet, just use Microsoft Edge or Firefox and it will download with no problems.

Once you become a member, you can download a personal flyer HERE…
Be sure to edit in your Name, Phone and Sponsor ID Number.

You can download a Q & A page HERE…
This page is a very good addition to enclose in all your mailings.

You can download a Credit Card Payment Coupon HERE…
This is printed 3 to a page. Make color copies, cut out and add to your mailings! It will increase your signup rate significantly!

If you are joining with Check or Money Order, all payments MUST be made out to:
“Quarterly Connection”.
Mail all payments to:
Quarterly Connection
PO Box 468
Moffat, CO. 81143-0468

To join over the phone with your credit card, call 719-655-2630 between the hours of 4:30PM and 5:30PM Mountain Time.

Here is a copy of our Color Flyer! “Front”

The back is printed in black and white.

Here is the Order Form…